Thursday, August 23, 2007

1067. Hot line clamp similar to CN-7 at the bottom of this page. Looks like there's a piece missing, in the second photo, the piece would be a special bolt that fits through the hole seen at the bottom, with a nut on the other side. The bolt "head" has a hole in it for the distribution wire, and the wire rests across the hole in the groove which is visible. The cavity for the bolt head is oval which would prevent it from turning while the nut was tightened. The eyelet would allow the clamp to be removed from the main hot line via a long pole, thus disconnecting the distribution line. You can see the missing piece here.

These are used in groups of four. Each one is fastened to a long, insulated large flexible wire. Using a long insulated pole (8-25’). After the 3 phase power is shut off and tagged out, three of these clamps are fastened to the 3 wires. The forth clamp is put on a ground wire.

1068. Haven't been able to verify any of the guesses:

1. Piston ring placer
2. Bearing puller
3. Pipe fitting tool
4. Large molly bolt
5. Wire spool support
6. Thread cleaner for screw breech artillery
7. Camera tripod
8. For extracting a circular piece that has been pushed in a conical hole

1069. Probably a wine thief: the dowel fits into the end of the plug, the device is then placed into a barrel of wine, the plug is pulled, drawing a sample into the shaft, the marble acts as a one way valve, letting liquid in but not letting it back out.

The cuts on the end allow it to work while resting on the bottom of the barrel.

1070. Schweitzer and Conrad Inc. high power fuse puller, probably from the early 1900's:

1071. Timber scribe, also called a marking iron, race knife, or timber groover; cuts an identification mark in the end of a plank or log.

1072. Fish scaler


An update on a device posted a couple weeks ago, a reader of this site found the patent for it:

1055. Vibration meter, patented in 1928, number 1,687,507; from the patent:
One application of my invention is to the determination of the vibrations to which incandescent lamps and similar devices are subjected.

Last week's set is seen below, click here to view the entire post:

More discussion and comments on these photos can be found at the newsgroup rec.puzzles.


Unknown said...

That's funny. At work, we use that hot line clamp to tie in all the grounding wires of our equipment to a grounding stake.

Anonymous said...

1068 Can't really agree with any posts yet.Appears to be built to expand in diameter,not length,no provision for pulling or pushing,Not heavy enough for heavy duty applications.Handwheel adjustment also speak of lighter duty.My thought lean toward a gasket or band expander,say,to stretch a band or gasket over the outside end of a tube/pipe.